Featured Article(s) System Health Session Dashboard – Error Summary Report In the first post of this series, I had talked about displaying the events reported by the system health session extended session on SQL Server 2008 versions and higher. The next set of reports will show the errors which by the error_reported extended event. Featured White Paper(s) Encryption & Key […]
Tag: security
CLR Capability in SQL
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In todays issue of SSWUGtv Steve interviews Dan Clark as he shares his thoughts bout self-service BI. Is PowerPivt the tool you should be using? Find the answers here on this edition of SSWUGtv. Watch the Show CLR Capability in SQL We have been discussing the value of the CLR in SQL Server for the last […]
Should Programs be separated from Data?
SSWUGtv with Stephen Wynkoop Can your MySQL database scale? If not, what are your options? Do you need to purchase a bigger machine? Do you need to purchase a sharding wrapper, or write your own data broker allowing your databases to shard? Instead, you now have the option to take advantage of the Cloud Database As a Service from Xeround. […]
CLR in Azure
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In this episode Steve takes on the difficult task of cleaning data. Do you clean it first and then bring it in? Do you bring it in and then cleanse it. How about transforming data to fit your schema. Watch as Steve interviews key players in the data cleansing world. Watch the Show CLR in Azure […]
Scheduling Tools
Scheduling Tools I wrote about scheduling in Azure yesterday as a place where some of the tools we have become accustom are not available. My primary tool of choice for scheduling has been SQL Server Agent, being primarily a DBA for decades. One reader, Shannon, reminds us that there are a lot of capabilities built into Azure allowing for tasks […]
Precision and Conversion
$$SWYNK$$ Featured Article(s) How Do You Transition from a Consulting Job Back to Management? I recently received a question regarding “How do you transition from a consulting job back into management?” This is a great topic, because the answer is useful whether you are moving from a consulting job back into IT, or management; OR moving from any field to […]
Is it Time for ORMs?
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop On the show today we have Kevin Kline as he shares his thoughts on why Big Data is important Watch the Show Is it Time for ORMs? Object Relational Mapping tools have been around for years, and are still a controversial issue. Coming from a DBA background I find them to be both a friend and […]
SQL Azure Federations
SQL Azure Federations One of the coolest features in SQL Azure is Database Federations. Federations allow you to grow the power and size of your database in SQL Azure to an much larger scale than the largest single database allowed of 150Gig. For an overview of SQL Azure federations you can watch this into video from Microsoft demonstrating what Federations […]
SQL Server 2012 Released
SQL Server 2012 Released Microsoft announced the release of SQL Server 2012.What’s in it? How to I get up to speed with this Release? Check out the link for more information. Microsoft Says, Customers can download the latest version of SQL Server 2012 here . Also, for a deep dive on all things SQL Server 2012, check out the SQL […]
Modern Documentation
Featured White Paper(s) Encryption & Key Management for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Written by Townsend Security Simplify encryption and key management on … (read more) Featured Script convert_ident_to_guid.sql Script to find all ident columns in db, find out if they are in an index, (if so)drop the index, recreate the ident as guid, … (read more) Modern Documentation We had […]