(Jeff Friesen) Neal Ford coined the term functional thinking to describe the mental shift required from developers trained primarily in object-oriented programming, who want to integrate functional programming concepts and techniques into their practice.
ow to Build a React-Native Image Gallery Tutorial
(iTexico) In this article, we build a gallery of images using react-native, we define some stacks, we use the flickr API and we run the app in our emulator.
Java Logging Frameworks: log4j vs logback vs log4j2
(Thorben Janssen) If you ever had to analyze an issue in production, I’m sure you know how important it is to have good logging. Good logging requires three things:
Components, Router Outlet, Menus And Button Click Event In Angular 6 – Part Two
(Rupesh Kahane) In this second part of my Angular 6 article series, we are going to learn how to create components, display a component using router outlet, show a menu list on mouseover, and load a component on a button click event.
Angular 7 SPA CRUD With ASP.NET Core And Entity Framework Core
(Mangesh_Gaherwar) Finally, the Wait for Angular 7 is over!! This version of the angular has got us some exciting features, primarily the changes are in Angular core , CLI and then Angular material lets explore it one by one
Functional programming for Java developers, Part 2
(Jeff Friesen) Welcome back to this two-part tutorial introducing functional programming in a Java context.
How to Use jOOQ’s UpdatableRecord for CRUD to Apply a Delta
(lukaseder) While jOOQ is not a full fledged ORM (as in an object graph persistence framework), there is still some convenience available to avoid hand-writing boring SQL for every day CRUD.
The Functional Style – Part 5
(Richard Wild) In the previous article we saw several examples of functions as first-class citizens and some of the kinds of uses they can be put to. Just to recap, a function is a first-class citizen when it is a value in its own right, and can be passed around a program just like any other type of
PDF Document Display and File Downloads with Angular, AngularJS, and Web API
(Shenwei Liu) A sample web application and discussions on creating, displaying, and downloading PDF documents with Web API data sources, client Angular CLI or AngularJS Components, and also presenting resolutions for web browser compatibilities to handle PDF documents.
LocalDateTime Class API Guide in Java 8
(Ramesh Fadatare) Want to learn more about how to implement date and time APIs in your Java projects? Check out this post where we explore different date and time APIs with sample code.