(Dustin Marx) The press release “Oracle Code One Java Keynote Outlines the Future of Java” describes the Java Keynote at Oracle Code “highlight[ing] future projects” Project Valhalla, Project Panama, Project Amber, and Project Loom.
Professional Application Development in MEAN Stack
(Yaseer Mumtaz) This is a complete professional MEAN stack application development series for beginners where we will learn the MEAN stack from scratch.
Working With Stream APIs in Java 1.8
(Rohit Upadhyay) The Stream concept was introduced in Java 1.8 and remains present in the java.util.stream package. It is used to process the object from the collection or any group of objects or data source.
Snackbar In Angular Using Ignite-ui-angular
(Jatin Saini) Web and mobile apps often require a confirmation of an activity or operation and there are several ways to achieve this. A traditional method of a confirmation is to show a popup message or a text message.
How to Download and Install the JDK
(Cay S. Horstmann) Guides you through compiling and running three typical Java programs—a console application, a graphical application, and an applet—using the plain JDK, a Java-enabled text editor, and a Java IDE.
Programming on Trees
(Nick Polyak) In this article, I present some very general programming concepts I came up with long ago, but have not implemented yet. I hope that, perhaps, the interest will be sufficient to motivate me to work on them.
10 OOPS Concepts in Java
(Ramesh Fadatare) Check out this post to learn more about the top 10 object-oriented programming concepts in Java, including abstraction, coupling, and more!
Object destructuring and currying in functional JavaScript
(James Sinclair) Currying is one of the most formidable weapons in our functional programming arsenal. Combined with composition, it’s extremely powerful.
Microservices for Java Developers: Implementing microservices (synchronous, asynchronous, reactive, non-blocking)
(Andrey Redko) The previous parts of the tutorial were focused on more or less high-level topics regarding microservice architecture, like for example different frameworks, communication styles and interoperability in the polyglot world.
An Introduction To React Native
(Pranav J.Dev) React Native is a way to write a cross-platform application on JavaScript. If you know JavaScript, then probably you can get started with React Native immediately, because it will provide you with a way to write JavaScript and then turn that JavaScript into your native code.