(lukaseder) Annotation processors can be useful as a hacky workaround to get some language feature into the Java language. The best example is Lombok, which enhances the Java language with quite a few annotation-based features.
Simple ASP.NET CORE 2.2 app +Vue JS
(jicking) You got hired by WayKurat , a ficticios company that develops vue js/ ASP.NET Core apps.
Java Logs: 4 Types of Logs You Need to Know
(Thorben Janssen) Logging is an important topic in software development, especially if you need to analyze bugs and other unexpected events in your production environment. Implementing your logging often seems easy.
AspNetCore.Security.Jwt – JWT Bearer Token Security Package
(Shantanu) I have built a package which integrates JWT Bearer Token Security into an Asp Net Core 2.0+ application.
A cron job with nodejs, sails and flickr
(Harish Palaniappan) A simple flickr API image extractor that will construct links to flickr API images.
ASP.NET MVC 5 – Customizing Pie Chart Using JavaScript C3 Chart Library
(Gnanavel Sekar) In this article, I will explain different ways of customization for a pie chart using the C3 Chart JavaScript library.
Java 12 could ax raw string literals
(Paul Krill) Java Development Kit (JDK) 12 soon could be minus one feature that had been targeted for the release: a beta version of raw string literals.
ASP.NET Core With Dapper And VS 2017 Using JWT Authentication WEB API and Consume it in Angular2 Client Application
(Rajesh kumar das02) I was trying to implement JWT Auth in web API. I want to consume the Web API in my Angular 2 client side application.
Top 10 Node.js Developer Tools
(Sagar Arora) With the introduction of Node.js, it has become easier for application developers to create a fast, reliable, and scalable web application with much fewer lines of code.
Format All Your Java Projects With One Rule
(Rod Johnson) Need help finding a simple solution to format all your Java projects? Check out this post where we look at the one rule that can help your project.