(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) Threading refers to the practice of executing programming processes concurrently to improve application performance. While it’s not that common to work with threads directly in business applications, they’re used all the time in Java frameworks.
Deploy Angular App to Azure
(thematrixreloaded) In this post, you will find step by step instructions to deploy an Angular app to Azure Web App without Linux.
Experimenting with the Streams API
(Dean Hume) I am always looking for ways to build faster, slicker web pages. Where applicable, I’ll use great new browser features such as service workers, HTTP/2 and improved compression, just to name a few.
Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
(Vivek Kumar) JSON Web Token is known as JWT. It is an open standard that is used for transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWT is a secure way for Authentication and Authorization because it is digitally signed.
Java XML and JSON: Document processing for Java SE, Part 2
(Jeff Friesen) In this post, we’ll continue exploring XML and JSON in Java 11 and beyond.
JavaScript Proxy
(David Walsh) I’ve always loved the flexibility of Objects and prototypes in JavaScript, but for a long time, I felt that a level of dynamism was lacking.
Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Jsoup V: Tips & Tricks of Optimization
(Nathanael Yang) We have done things right, now it’s time to do things faster. We would keep Donald Knuth‘s warning in mind, “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil”.
A New JDK12 Stream API Collection: Collectors#teeing
(Grzegorz Piwowarek) When following major Java releases, we usually focus on bold and controversial JEPs while humble and tiny changes get introduced unnoticeably.
Accumulative: Custom Java Collectors Made Easy
(Tomasz Linkowski) Accumulative is an interface proposed for the intermediate accumulation type A of Collector in order to make defining custom Java Collectors easier.
How to Statically Override the Default Settings in jOOQ
(lukaseder) When configuring a jOOQ runtime Configuration, you may add an explicit Settings instance, which contains a set of useful flags that change jOOQ’s SQL generation behaviour and other things.