(honey the codewitch) Aside from a clean way to query remote JSON/REST based services, you usually need a way to cache and index the data you get back.
Avoiding bugs with data structures: using Sets in JavaScript
(Jack Franklin) Today we’re looking at how you can avoid bugs for free by picking the right data structures for what you’re working with.
Conditional Rendering And List Rendering In React
(Priyanka Jain) In the previous article, we reviewed about binding event handler in React and using a method as property in React.
Polymorphism and inheritance in Java
(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) According to the legend Venkat Subramaniam, polymorphism is the most important concept in object-oriented programming.
Tmdb: A Caching Wrapper for The Movie Database
(honey the codewitch) While experimenting with my JSON libraries and building some new code around them, I decided to make a real world use case by plugging them into the content at themoviedb.org and accessing their API using the provided JSON/REST interface.
Quantified LIKE ANY predicates in jOOQ 3.12
(lukaseder) One of SQL’s weirdes features are quantified comparison predicates. I’ve hardly ever seen these in the wild:
Implementing Here Map API In Angular 8
(Debasis Saha) In this article, we will discuss how to implement Here Map API with Angular 8. On today’s web-based applications, mapping solutions is a natural part of the application.
Exception handling
(Ashkrit Sharma) In this post i will share how error handling is done and what options we have.Error handling is complex topic 🙂
Json: A Fairly Powerful JSON Engine in a Small Package
(honey the codewitch) Use JsonPath, and builtin RPC support to easily communicate with all the JSON / REST services out there, or otherwise manipulate JSON with this little library.
Docker Integration With Node.js REST API
(Amit Prabhu) Container is a good way to create a package of applications along with all its dependencies so the application can be transferred between environments and also, it should run without any changes.