(Anghel Leonard) Check out this practical code guide on converting between Date and Temporal classes in Java.
Alphabetical Search Using Ajax In ASP.NET MVC
(Farhan Ahmed) In this article, I will explain to you how you can create alphabetical search and pagination using jQuery Ajax in asp.net MVC.
Get started with method references in Java
(Jeff Friesen) Along with lambdas, Java SE 8 brought method references to the Java language. This tutorial offers a brief overview of method references in Java, then gets you started using them with Java code examples.
Database Transaction Management across AJAX Calls
(Marc Clifton) Another rabbit hole, this time how to handle AJAX calls in a manner that lets you roll back the entire set of transactions if any particular AJAX call fails.
Stack Class in Java
(Vijay Kumari) Java Collection framework provides a Stack class that models and implements a Stack data structure. The class is based on the basic principle of last-in-first-out.
AtomicInteger on Java and Round-Robin
(Emmanouil Gkatziouras) AtomicInteger belongs to the Java family of atomic variables. The main benefit is that using it is not blocking instead of doing a blocking synchronization, thus you avoid the suspension and rescheduling of threads.
Hibernate Tip: How to customize the association mappings using a composite key
(Thorben Janssen) Hibernate Tips is a series of posts in which I describe a quick and easy solution for common Hibernate questions. If you have a question for a future Hibernate Tip, please post a comment below.
Random Class in Java
(Vijay Kumari) Random class is used to generate pseudo-random numbers in java. An instance of this class is thread-safe. The instance of this class is however cryptographically insecure.
What Are Java Agents and How to Profile With Them
(Carlos Schults) Java agents are a special type of class which, by using the Java Instrumentation API, can intercept applications running on the JVM, modifying their bytecode. Java agents aren’t a new piece of technology.
Father Prototype and Mother Constructor
(sickfile) Most people get acquainted with JavaScript like “well, it’s an object oriented, dynamically typed, programming language”, at least I was.