Tag: filtered indexes

SQL Server

Understanding Database Indexes — (Part – 3)

Understanding Database Indexes – (Part – 3) Author: Basit A. Farooq Full-text indexes A full-text search is a word search based on character string data. The Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server creates and maintains a full-text catalog automatically when you enable a table for full-text search. For more information about full-text indexes, see SQL Server Books Online topic: “Populate […]

SQL Server

Understanding Database Indexes — (Part – 2)

Understanding Database Indexes – (Part – 2) Author: Basit A. Farooq Covering Index with included columns SQL Server 2005 introduces included columns in indexes also known as covering indexes. Included columns are non-key columns. Query performance improves when all columns in a query are included in the index as either key or non-key columns. The SQL Server Database Engine stores […]