A busy professional asks a question regarding employer/employee relationships. How can I tell if this person will make a good business partner? I am looking for a business partner. How do I know that this person will be a strong leader and is good at execution? Is there a way to test their skills and check whether he/she possesses a...
Useful Undocumented SQL Server 2016 Stored Procedures (Part 3)
Useful Undocumented SQL Server 2016 Stored Procedures (Part 3) SQL Server 2016 supports the following useful undocumented stored procedures: sp_catalogs_rowset2 sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt sp_linkedservers_rowset sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log sp_MShelpfulltextindex sp_MShelpfulltextscript sp_catalogs_rowset2 The sp_catalogs_rowset2 distributed queries stored procedure returns the list of the databases the current user has access to. Syntax sp_catalogs_rowset2 Return Code Values None. Result Sets Column name Data type Description CATALOG_NAME nvarchar(128) Is...