Some useful SQL Server 2017 Transact-SQL optimization tips (Part 2) Try to avoid using the DISTINCT clause, whenever possible. The DISTINCT clause should only be used if you know that duplicate returned rows are a possibility. Because using the DISTINCT clause will result in some performance degradation, you should use this clause only when it is necessary. Use table variables...
Standard Members
Training Models in spaCy
spaCy v2.0 features statistical neural network models for named entity recognition, dependency parsing, and similarity prediction. One of the most exciting opportunities is that you cannot only use pre-trained, ready-for-use models, but you can also train a model with your own training examples, thus tuning it for your particular use case. spaCy’s Model Architecture Before starting to train a model,...
Categories of Database and Database Users – Part 4
Relational Databases In relational databases, the association among data files is relational. Hierarchical as well as network databases need the end user to pass a hierarchy in sequence to access the desirable data. These databases link to the data in dissimilar files by means of making use of shared data numbers or any key field. Data in relational databases is...
How to Motivate an Employee Who Is Lacking Drive
What is the best way to motivate a team member that is competent for the work but is lacking drive? Getting on the same page Let’s better define “lacking drive”. Is he performing his duties adequately and as expected, but just doesn’t have the drive or ambition to advance? Is he performing his duties adequately, but just not showing the...
Some useful SQL Server 2017 Transact-SQL optimization tips (Part 1)
Some useful SQL Server 2017 Transact-SQL optimization tips (Part 1) Try to avoid using SQL Server cursors, whenever possible. SQL Server cursors can result in some performance degradation in comparison with select statements. Try to use correlated subquery or derived tables, if you need to perform row-by-row operations. Encapsulate your Transact-SQL code inside a transaction when you modify database, not...
Intelligent Text Processing with spaCy
The task of extracting meaning from text data can be quite challenging. The problem is that you cannot rely on the meaning of individual words in a sentence or phrase, since the order of words may invert the whole point. Moreover, the same words may have different meaning, depending on the context. To address this problem, NLP has linguistic features...
Categories of Database and Database Users – Part 3
Categories of Database System (DBMS) A few criteria are regularly used to arrange Database Management Systems (DBMSs). The first is the data model on which the Database Management Systems (DBMS) is based. The primary data model utilized in numerous present commercial Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are relational data model. The object data model was actualized in some business frameworks however...
How to Handle Team Members Letting Their Personal Issues with Each Other Get in the Way of Their Work
As a leader, how would you handle it if two members of your team are letting their personal issues with each other get in the way of their work? Essentially, the work place is a place of work. Your role and responsibilities are associated with the company’s goals and vision. Your role is not that of a counselor. Keep it...
Tips for designing SQL Server 2017 tables (Part 2)
Tips for designing SQL Server 2017 tables (Part 2) Use varchar/nvarchar columns instead of text/ntext columns whenever possible. Because SQL Server 2017 stores text/ntext columns on the Text/Image pages separately from the other data, stored on the Data pages, it can take more time to get the text/ntext values. If you need to store integer data from -32,768 through 32,767,...
The Magic of Word Vectors
In a nutshell, word vectors represent semantic meanings of natural language words, encoded in numbers. This looks a bit different from traditional representations of words, but this is what makes human language understandable to machines. Visually, a vector space of words can be imagined as a cloud in which words with similar meanings are located nearby. It is important to...