
Administration Amazon AWS Amazon RDS Azure Azure SQL Database Development Editorials SQL Server

Debugging Multi-Cloud Performance

We’ve been chasing issues with performance across a series of applications where there are multiple cloud providers (specifically AWS and Azure) in play. The application is a fairly typical .net web-based application that does calls to Azure SQL DB and AWS RDS at various times and places. The issue we’ll see from time to time surrounds lag time between the...

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Administration Azure Editorials Ethics

Analytics, Reporting and Fine Line of Privacy

It can be very challenging to pull together reporting, analytics, data privacy expectations and support for legislation for information in your systems. People – those users that you support – are learning to request more and more from reporting. They’re expecting systems to be smarter about the information stored in your databases. Azure does amazing things with analytics, looking at […]

Administration Editorials

With Privacy Laws Come New and Different Storage Requirements

It’s a pretty commonplace thing now to be meeting with a client and talking through their requirements, the tossing in the “what about data privacy and ownership – what are your requirements there,” question. It’s not a small thing, and it’s something that has been morphing over time. I think the morphing part comes from uncertainty and fear. Uncertainty because […]

Administration Editorials Ethics

The Great Hack, The Creepy Line, and Our Job

These are some really intriguing movies (Netflix, etc.) – they’re finally talking about data, data use, data ownership, privacy, customization (sort of) and all sorts of things that have significant implications on our career ethics and responsibilities. When you watch these, they can quickly lead to a rabbit hole of TED talks, blog posts and more. Probably result in some […]