
SQL Server Version Treadmill

Featured Article(s)
Understanding Authentication, Authorization and Impersonation in ASP.NET (Part II)
In the earlier part in this series we had a look at what Authentication is and how it is used. We also discussed the types of authentication supported by ASP.NET and we learnt how we can implement Forms Authentication in ASP.NET. In this and the concluding part of this series, we will now explore more on Authentication and discuss the concepts of Authorization and Impersonation in ASP.NET.

Request for Feedback…
We’re considering a new feature for SSWUG – take a look at SelectViews – more information there and please send in your thoughts.

The Version Treadmill – More Feedback
Brett writes: "I think you nailed it on the head. Upgrading existing applications to a new database technology is hardly trivial, and hardly rapid. Especially if you consider that most shops are on tight budgets with minimized staffing. Add in the fact that most CEOs want to always produce and elevate new revenue (ergo new apps being developed!), there’s almost no way to keep up with this upgrade schedule. Also bear in mind, my opinion (and many others in my area) is that I will not deploy a Microsoft product until the first service pack is released…"

Jeremy: "Very disappointed in the delay. Not so much that it was a delay, but that they waited until only one calendar month before it’s release to notify everyone. Certainly they knew that there would be a SIX month delay long before now. (Six months is estimated as I figure that a Q3 release will be around September).

It does throw a wrench into my planning for the next product cycle we were just gearing up for… now we need to come up with contingencies for technologies that we were counting on in 2008.

That said, I’ve heard many say that 2008 isn’t a "major" release… I would disagree on many levels. It’s a very significant release that will continue to change the face of the rdbms capabilities."

Russell: "I think it is a good thing. The schedule was extremely optimistic. Many orgs have not yet rolled out 2005 and if 2008 was out now they might just straight to it but more likely they would not move to it until at least 2009 so no real harm done except to the marketing people who pushed for the Feb release. Over the last several releases they have usually been more or less October time frames."

P.M.: "We are a software maker. We are ending ([in] the second quarter) certifying our application suite for SQL2005 and frankly having SQL2008 arriving makes us appear as a slow adopter of new technology. We will drop support of SQL7 and SQL2000 in the summer. For us it is better to be ready for SQL2005 before SQL2008 arrives on the market."

Kevin: "I would rather have the product released in 2009 with less bugs than released ASAP full of bugs. This is only my opinion. When SQL 2005 was released it had plenty crashes, only after SP2 was released did it get stable enough. Even now with SP2, it you have to compare it with SQL 2000 SP4, SQL 2000 is more stable.

Must say SQL 2005 does have built-in SSIS tasks for daily database maintenance, proper support for SQL 2005 mobile merge replication, from what I hear SQL 2008 has even more SSIS tasks for daily database maintenance (great), I guess all SQL 2008 needs is a proper DTS to SSIS converter (similar to DTSxChange)."

Daniel: "To be honest I was a bit [upset] when I first heard that SQL Server was switching to a 3-year release cycle, for two reasons:

– As you say, upgrading SQL is not a trivial task
– Another major release so soon after the last one actually just makes me think that 2008 is what 2005 should have been, introducing the features that slipped outside the development window originally

This cycle would, as we say in the UK, be like painting the Forth Bridge (idiom relating to painting a bridge so big that when finished, you immediately start again).

All in all, it would not surprise me if customers adopted their own 6-year release cycle, migrating to every alternate release. Aided by third party support contracts for when MS end-of-lifes each version, this would essentially just make the same number of customers dependent on double the number of releases, increasing vendor costs and reducing standardization."

Email your thoughts here – would love to hear from you!

Featured White Paper(s)
Transforming Enterprise Backups: How Using a Third-Party Tool Can Improve Backup Strategies
The backup and restore facilities in native SQL Server are robust, and once a backup routine is established, the DBA needs to… (read more)

Whole Server Protection from a Single Solution
The complexity of traditional recovery solutions compounds an already difficult situation, and heightens the opportunity for … (read more)