
SQL Server 2008 Delays and Reality of the Cycles

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What To Do When you need to compare databases.
Databases commonly, have their own tools with pre-made queries that make a comparison by making table crossing. However, sometimes the interfaces are not as comfortable as a spreadsheet software like MSExcel TM. With a couple of formulas and graphic help you could do a better job and your life will be a lot easier.

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[Watch Now] A SQL Server problem triage plan and approach, a pet peeve about open source, public domain software, current release versions and more. Also on the show, the 60-second SQL Server tip of the day, upcoming events, the newsletter and discussion list watches and other goodies.

Setting Up Disaster Recovery Plans
This is cool. A wizard to help you set up your recovery systems, put the steps in place and make sure you’re able to bring your systems back online as quickly as possible if something goes wrong. Even if you don’t have a full-time DBA on staff, you can use this to get things established for your SQL Servers. Check it out here – very straightforward coverage for your SQL Servers.

SQL Server 2008 Delays
I’m sure you’ve seen that SQL Server 2008 has been delayed until later in the year. I’m curious about whether you see this as a quietly (or even not-so-quietly) good thing or if you were counting on the release earlier in the year? I’ve been talking with several DBAs about this and I must say, most are OK with it moving, because it gives them more time working with 2005, completing upgrades to that platform, more time planning, etc. Many have pointed out that it’s non-trivial to upgrade SQL Server (no kidding), and when you add in the testing, the application vendor coordination and the like, the cycles just don’t support rapid upgrades.

"Rapid" sounds odd at two-year intervals, but really, given the pauses built into test, review, test, implement cycles, it does get to be a race.

So, I thought I’d put it out to you – what do you think about the delay? Were you ready to go? Glad for the time? Don’t care because you’re implementing stuff on your own schedule anyway…? Inquiring minds want to know. Drop me a note, let me know.

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