
How Do You Grow Your SQL Server Position?

Tomorrow’s the Day!
Tomorrow we kick off the three-day virtual SQL Server conference, direct to your computer. We have a huge number of people registered already and we’re ready to go with more content than you can find anywhere else online, period. We’ve even opened up our webcast archives – you can watch past webcasts on-demand during the conference. From the 32 sessions to the full transcripts to the fantastic exhibitors to the live interactive chats and other features, you can’t lose.

> Get registered today – we’ll see you there!

Do You Feel The Tug?
I’ve been increasingly hearing from different people that things are changing for the DBA. No, this isn’t a "the DBA Role is changing to developer…" thread, but rather what I’m hearing is that the DBA is morphing a bit into a more general IT admin type role. Things like specialized database engines, different platforms, different application suites, etc.

Do you feel this pull to begin (or continue) modifying your role administratively? Sharepoint, Linux, different platforms that support OLTP, data warehousing, etc. – each of these have proponents "talking the talk" about the idea that DBAs as a breed are in need of change and have to accept that "just" (not my term, theirs) being a DBA isn’t going to cut it.

I’m a firm believer in the old maxim that if you’re not moving forward, you’re going backward. This applies to learning features, learning new support requirements, new platforms and tools — all in the betterment of what we do professionally. But, how drastic is the change on the near horizon? How about the far horizon? Of course – how "far" away is the far horizon? Do you actively look to increase your "wingspan" to encompass other products or technologies?

I can bet that nearly everyone is sitting out there thinking about just how busy you already are. How could you possibly add new stuff to the mix – and continue to do a good job with the existing workload? I guess that’s where the rest of the story comes in. Do you have management buy-in for learning these other technologies, or do you have to fight to get the time, the education and training?

Drop me a note – let me know – do you feel the tug?

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The Payment Card Industry Compliance – Securing both Merchant and Customer data
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Improving .NET Application Performance and Reliability with Managed Database Connectivity
Your choices about data access can make the difference between project success and project failure. Read this whitepaper and… (read more)