
Continuing the Exposed Server Debate

Virtual Conference Update
We’ve started posting our first pass at sessions – take a look! If you’d like to be involved in reviewing and commenting on the sessions and other aspects of the virtual conference, get signed up today and we’ll be sure you’re included. Remember, 3 days of outstanding content, from your computer – NO travel, NO out of office time. You can’t lose.

The conference for the rest of us – the core things you need to know about when working with SQL Server. We’ll get you going!

> Take a look here.

Featured Article(s)
SAN Technology Considerations
As I reflect back on the last 5 or 6 years of my career, I think about the downtime that I have seen from my SQL Servers. As I do this, the two things that really surprise me are how far we have come in technology and how far we still have to go.

Webcast Tomorrow – Save Your Spot
Managing Change with SQL Server
We’ll look into a few different things to know about working with change and your SQL Server. First, we’ll look at how to document your schemas and database options. Next, we’ll look at how you can log changes, by looking into Triggers and some basic security options to have to block unauthorized change in your databases. There are a number of options you have, and we’ll provide the information you need to know when it comes to managing change to your systems.

> Register Now
> December 5 2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Available on SSWUGtv:
A wide-ranging interview with Microsoft’s Matt Nunn about Visual Studio 2008, what it does, what he likes about it, and so much more. Also, a bit about update stats, discussion list watch and a whole lot of other great SQL Server information.

> Watch the show here

Also, don’t miss:
Watch: Handling a DBA interview. A Mock interview with questions, answers and more.
Watch: SelectViews: Interview with Kim Tripp and Paul Randal

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Reader Feedback on the Continuing Exposed SQL Servers Editorials
Several days ago I wrote about the exposed SQL Servers (and Oracle servers) on the ‘net. I’ve received a lot of email on this one – most asking not to be published (go figure<g>). A couple of people wrote in with some good questions that were OK to pass along.

From Anonymous: "Did the article specify if it was actually SQL Server instances or if they also included SQL Server Express or MSDE instances? How many application come bundled with desktop versions of SQL Server these days? A couple off the top of the head… SQL Express comes bundled with newer trial versions of quicken and MS small business accounting that ship on all of those new PC’s Mom, Dad, Grandma and so on just bought turned on and never did anything else with.

Additionally, Backup Exec uses a SQL engine as does Mcafee’s EPO product and a whole host of others. I could definitely see someone putting a web server in place that didn’t have a decent security background and installing Backup Exec to handle their backups for them and bingo there’s another instance."

It’s a great point – in fact, this has been a long-standing issue with SQL Server security – the unknown instances or installations that do indeed include MSDE, SQL Server Express and other embedded-type databases. How do you manage databases you either don’t know about or don’t have administrative rights to? I wrote about this a good while ago (probably a couple of years now) about ACT and their use of "sealed" instances of SQL Server. Grrrr…

And, another Anonymous reader writes: "I have a private server with a pretty popular dedicated server hosting company. Right now I’m fine in that I run SQL 2000 on the same box as IIS, which in itself is bad performance, but until I have need for a second server, so be it. I’m firewalled so I’m not exposed.

However.. when the day comes that I need to move SQL to its own box – this company does not provide internal LAN connectivity between their servers, citing security concerns. So many users, like myself, might be with a company that forces them to expose their SQL Server to “the Internet” just to be able to communicate from an IIS server sitting 3 racks down in the same data center.

I certainly don’t LIKE that.. but short of finding a new data center provider with dedicated servers, high reliability, excellent service, and a low price tag… I’ll likely be one of the 500,000 one day."

Ugh. Hopefully better solutions will soon be available from the ISP.

Featured White Paper(s)
SQL Server Performance Analysis
Analyzing SQL Server performance can be a daunting task especially when a large number of users and application programs are … (read more)

Requirements for a Secure Database
This paper outlines the key business requirements most often identified as being essential for the deployment of databases co… (read more)

Addressing the Persistent Problem of the I/O Bottleneck in SQL Server Applications Through a RamDisk Software Solution
This white paper describes the I/O bottleneck problem that occurs when using SQL and the pain points for which it is responsi… (read more)

Bust a Move With Your SSIS – Passing Package Variables
Explore the creation of sample development data using one of the most basic features in this new interface. Integration Serv… (read more)