
2 Shows Live, SQL Server World Changes, More

Have You See The Latest *2* SQL Server Shows?
From SSWUG.ORG, these are currently available:
SelectViews – the weekly show about the database world
SQLonCall – Tips, tricks, lessons learned in the field, from www.sqloncall.com

Featured Article(s)
Granting Privileges Quickly on SQL Server (For the Oracle or SQL Server DBA)
Oracle DBA’s moving to SQL Server find it very tedious and time consuming when having to grant access to a large number objects. This article describes how to perform this task without using the Enterprise Manager GUI, saving a great deal of time.

When Did You Last Defrag Your Database?
We’ve done shows on SSWUG about defragmentation and checking the fragmentation of your indexes and such. Have you been monitoring them? It can make a huge difference in the performance on your systems, making things faster in terms of access times, more efficient and generally more responsive. Did you know that you can completely automate the process? Take a look at SQL defrag Manager – it will automagically manage and defrag your system, keeping it running at its best. While you’re there, be sure to check out their Ugly Index Contest – you could win one of three XBox 360’s – and it simply MUST be a SSWUG member that wins this contest. <g>

Database Industry Changing? Lots of Conversations About This One…
A number of you have written in about this topic – I wanted to share on in particular today as food for thought. Send in your thoughts here.

Simon: "Relational vs. "some other model" is a concept we struggle with constantly.

We have developed a proprietary "Records Management System", which is really just a generic database where users can create custom "Record Types", store them, retrieve them, make reports, etc. A record is just a set of fields really. You could think of a record type as a table and the columns are the fields, but actually we use a single table whose primary key is the record id and field id, so fields become rows. We felt this was the only way to go if you expect to write reports and perform searches spanning many record types, and if users can create an indeterminate number of record types.

As a "gift" to our users, we gave them an interface that lets them organize their records in a tree structure, in other words, hierarchically. For example, they can have a root record (let’s say of type "Container", just a generic record for placing other records under). Then they can organize other records under the root as children, which can have children, etc. We maintain the tree structure in a separate table, each node pointing to a set of rows (fields) in the main data table.

This opened a can of worms because now users typically will want to ask questions like "show me all my documents stored at any level under the ‘Department X’ record with field ‘Y’ = ? and field ‘Z’ = ? and…, and sort it by field ‘W’…"

Well, the problem with that is that you get into some very nasty complicated SQL requiring hierarchical relationships on top of the normal nasty SQL that occurs when you use rows for fields instead of using columns. This proved too much to take on initially, especially for designing our report generator module which must generate custom SQL for each user query.
Thus for now, we use a heavy handed approach — we only support queries against the fields of the record (i.e., only relational queries), so if they want to find records under a particular department node in the tree, they must create a Department field in the record template and each record must have it’s Department field "coded" (filled in).

Of course that has many weaknesses (extra data entry work, data entry errors, maintaining changes to redundant fields), and we are researching alternative designs that would allow true hierarchical queries.

Hierarchical organization in fact opens the door to object oriented thinking for the user, where they may want to think of their data in an object paradigm. We have felt the usefulness of this ourselves.

As an example, a record is associated with a complex formula called a "Retention" which determines when the record is due to be destroyed. That formula can be a record in itself, with fields the represent the variables and constants in the formula. It is very reasonable to think that a user would want to search for all records whose retention formula specifies a destruction method of "shred", for example. In our current model, we would have to include a field in the record itself called "Destruction Method", whereas we’d rather just have a single field specifying the retention, and link to the Retention record as if it were an object which is a member of the record. Such a query is perfectly possible relationally, and we did in fact implement it. But the generated SQL is very ugly (the linkage is on field values causing many intermediate self joins) and not generalized to arbitrary relationships between records (objects).

Aside from the fact hierarchical or object oriented data storage it is a difficult implementation problem (particularly for our report generator / search engine), there are performance questions, since hierarchical queries may not perform well with a relational query engine. Of course there are data structures to help support hierarchical queries, but there are some performance and reliability issues with maintaining those data structures (e.g., in our "dumb" current model, a user can move a subtree from one place to another with a simple link change. If we used supporting data structures, such a move could require a very large update.). It should be noted that some databases like Oracle have proprietary hierarchical join operators; in our case, because we support multiple databases, we try to avoid database specific code. Maybe a product like Hibernate or a object oriented engine could help, but the reengineering involved is way beyond our resources right now.

I guess our lesson so far is this: if you want to give your users a hierarchical or object oriented view of their data, you should think hard about how you will support a hierarchical or object oriented data model, especially from a search standpoint, because users will probably expect it."

Featured White Paper(s)
10 Steps to a Successful Modernization Project, Legacy Database or Application Upgrade
The goal of a modernization project is to transform aging applications to more-modern architectures while preserving the busi… (read more)

Tuning SQL Statements
This paper covers the basic techniques used to tune SELECT statements on Microsoft`s SQL Server relational database managemen… (read more)

Building Cost Effective High Availability Infrastructure with Microsoft SQL Server
Database traffic management is a simple, low-cost approach to ensuring persistent data availability and rapid database scalab… (read more)