
Tips for using SQL Server 2005 bulk copy

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Tips for using SQL Server 2005 bulk copy
Here are some helpful tips to performance tune and optimize SQL Server 2005 bulk copy.

Changing DBAs…
In continuing the look at the need to move into new technologies (or the perceived need anyway), I wanted to pass along a couple more notes from SSWUG readers.

From Brandon: "I have seen my role morph many times through the years. From dBase developer, to Access developer, to VB developer, to SQL developer to SQL DBA. I do see a convergence of BI and SQL tools. The latest acknowledgement of this by Microsoft was the introduction of PerformancePoint Server 2007. This integration product has the ambition of integrating Sharepoint, Analysis Services (and soon Proclarity), Reporting Services and SQL. The three areas of emphasis are Monitoring, Analysis and Planning for business processes. This is as viable of an view-point as I’ve seen to date. It works under the presumption that simple is better in each of the technologies, and that the BI part of the equation is what’s important."

All good points – and this also talks to the whole support of different environments thing as a DBA. With SharePoint and other tools, you’ll be looking at supporting new, or at least expanded, third-party applications working against SQL Server. This means security, views, access and controls will continue to be a huge piece of the job.

From Patrick: "There have been a lot of changes in the role of the traditional SQL Server DBA lately. As MS uses SQL Server in more of its applications as its back end and integrates more related DBMS Technologies as well like (SSIS and SSRS) the role of the traditional DBA begins to expand or should I say there begins to emerge a new Data / Application skill set. The emerging role is one that most IT groups look to the DBA to address. For example with SSRS it involves areas that the traditional DBA that does not have a systems or scripting skill will struggle with. It has IIS needs, overall systems needs to understand Windows a tad bit more that a traditional DBA will have to worry about.

The same applies to SSIS the DBA will now need to work more with Management Studio and may in fact question whether he/she has now become a developer again since DTS was under his control in terms or managing and deploying it the IT Department may look to him for guidance as they roll out SQL Server 2005. Another area of significant change is Sharepoint 2007 and its integration with SQL Server 2005 and SSRS. Add to this Performance Point server and Office 2007 now you have the full Office and BI Stack all rolled into one. Application developers are not as well suited to handle these new application needs. Traditional Systems/Network Administrators are not either. The one person that sits in the closest spot to address these applications are DBAs. What I now call Application DBAs. who will eventually specialize in applications that use an SQL Server back end.

As MS uses SQL Server 2005 (Full or Express) in many applications, the DBA is often called upon to help configure these applications like in Dynamics etc and may be required to maintain and support the applications as well, depending on the resources at the shop.

Overall what this means is that the role is changing. maybe the more correct term is that it is expanding. "

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