
Tips for using indexes in SQL Server 2005 (Part 3)

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Tips for using indexes in SQL Server 2005 (Part 3)
Here are some helpful tips to performance tune and optimize SQL Server 2005 indexes.

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Some Initial Thoughts on the Community
It’s clear from the survey results that are coming in (thanks!), that there are a lot of "accidental DBAs" out there – people that are put in the position of managing the SQL Servers in the company, typically along with other responsibilities. We’ve had a number of people comment on the fact that the articles, shows and other resources built specifically to address this group are really helpful and that we need to do more.

This all started a good while ago with our Day 1 as DBA editorial series and the webcast that followed. From the notes in the survey and the session requests in the survey, one of the things we’re seeing a lot is the request for more in this type of series. Setting up security, understanding performance, troubleshooting – all with an eye toward helping the accidental DBA.

I think this is a great idea that could really help a lot of people — we’re on it, that’s for sure. If you have not yet taken the survey, please do. There is a section in there that talks about shows or webcasts you’d like to see. If you’re in this position, that of accidental DBA, please make a note there and let us know what you’d like to see. Your feedback is having significant impact on the site plans – every comment and every topic is being reviewed as the results come in and we’re really learning a lot.

I have one question for you here – is there a single topic that you’re most aching to see in any format – article, review, webcast, show – whatever that format may be – what is the ONE thing you’d love to see?

Drop me a note here.

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