
Importing CSV Files, SQL Server Management Tools

Don’t Miss the Weekly SQL Server Show…
Released on Fridays, available now. Watch it here.

Featured Article(s)
Importing a .csv File into SQLExpress Using Bulk Insert
Have you wondered how to import text file data into SQLExpress without using DTS or SSIS? This article will show you a possible approach using the T-SQL Bulk Insert Command.

Report Distribution Options
Get your reports out to users in formats they need, on the schedule they need…. easily and reliably. Moving beyond just normal scheduled reports and on-demand options, you can create reports in different formats for different users, have a great handle on the scheduling associated with reports and specific users and much more. You can send reports as print reports, faxed, to disk, ftp, email or many other formats. Set up your reports, then use SQL-RD to make sure they get in the right hands at the right time. There’s a free trial available to see how easily it can automate your reporting environment. Get more information here. You might also want to watch the SSWUG.ORG webcast on “Using Report Designer”

Webcast: SQL Server 2005 Management Tools Overview
We’ll look into various management tools and capabilities for SQL Server 2005. Learn about everything from tracing to tuning and finding out how to better optimize and understand your systems. We’ll show what tools you have available and how they can be applied to managing your server.

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> Weds Sept 12 2007 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

One Final Thought on "Defining" a DBA’s Roles and Responsibilities
I know we’ve talked about this previously, but I just received this well-thought-out note about what a DBA really is – or at least this "version" of a DBA. Take a look:

Raymond: "Somehow people associate that a “real DBA” is some who does coding on a daily basis. For me a real DBA is someone who has a decent understanding of wide range of technologies relevant to the support large databases. A DBA, in my view, is a database Administrator not a database Developer. A real DBA must:

– Understand basic DB technologies such as indexes, concurrency, locking, blocking, fill factor, tracing, pages and extents etc

– Know disaster recovery well: Backup, restore, replications, log shipping, PIT recovery

– Has in depth understanding of OS, file systems, RAID, hardware, networking, encryption, authentication, storage, clustering

– Understand business intelligence and be able to architect a strategic platform for scalability and redundancy and most cost effective

– Possess many professional, unbiased skills to manage projects from start to finish and interact with engineers from many departments at all level

– Have confidence in himself and his knowledge as a DBA, regardless whether he or she can code (anyone can learn to code but not everyone can function as an RDBMS administrator)

– Have a solid and methodical troubleshooting skills, especially permissions, security and application connectivity

– Have a vision and a sound strategy for database management, a great work ethics, a drive to get things done right

– Be scrupulous, honest, accountable, reliable, approachable, conscientious, detailed and organized, smart and wise, and determined.

There you have the definition of your real DBA. Thank you for giving us a chance to voice our bias.

Featured White Paper(s)
Disaster Recovery Strategy for Microsoft Environment
Businesses of all sizes must take backup and disaster recovery seriously. Who knows what can happen? In recent years, inform… (read more)

The Top Five Reasons To Consider an Embedded Database for Your Next Project
There are numerous business benefits of using embedded databases during the lifecycle of business application development. Th… (read more)

Development, Change management, Code and Project deployment: Processes and Automation in SQL Server Environments
This white paper explores best practices and common approaches to managing the lifecycle of database projects in SQL Server e… (read more)