
Hype or Help

If the email I am receiving is any indication of what is happening around databases is true, here are some of the hot skills.

  • DevOps
  • Simplified Database Change Management
  • Services in the Cloud
  • On Site and Cloud combined implementations…especially SQL Server
  • BI of any type
  • Machine Learning

If you’re like me, you get a lot of Email daily, and it surrounds these four topics. There are dozens of people with cyclical training sessions. I get invites from multiple people to the same session…so I figure there is some kind of residual or commission being paid to folks who get you to attend.

I also get a lot of queries from vendors that have been given my information because I read a white paper where they capture my email. One of the things I hate is that I can’t easily un-subscribe because our network administrators have blocked the web page vendor’s web page. I don’t mind much, because I’d rather be safe than simple.

Back to the topic…you could easily build a career around many of these skill sets. There is so much to learn in order to simply be proficient. When it comes to really knowing your stuff, it takes a great deal of effort.

How hot do you think these skills are in your world? Is this just what the vendors are pushing, or do you find your business needs match up pretty closely? If you leave a comment with us, it may help determine how much of this is hype, and how much is really being sought.

