
Good Suggestions for Security

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Risk Management — Prevention is better than cure [Part II]
We have had a look at Risk Management in the earlier part of this series. This is the concluding part of this series of my articles on Risk Management and discusses the activities involved in the Risk Management process and the roles and responsibilities of a Risk Manager.

Working with or Supporting Sharepoint?
If you are, make sure you get the free training from AppDev. They’re providing step-by-step instruction and include a learning module, so you’ll be on your way and know how to get started. Lots of materials included and you can see just how quickly you can learn about getting going with SharePoint Server 2007. Get more information here.

Good Suggestions for Security
I mentioned security for your data yesterday, specifically adding the metadata type bits to your planning. A few people wrote in with some additional thoughts and ideas – wanted to pass along a couple of really great suggestions as you consider just how to attack the protection of your systems.

First, one person pointed out that a lot of times, the source code is overlooked as needing to be protected as well. Great point. The source code for the applications you’re developing necessarily contains all sorts of information and access points to your data. Make sure those that need access have it, and that those that don’t need access, don’t.

Second, another person wrote in an suggested setting up ABuse cases, as compared with use cases. Call a meeting, look at the different ways information can be used, then look for the holes. The tags, the classifications, the summary, the reports – where does the data become vulnerable. This is one for technical folks as well as users and managers. You want to think about as many ABUSE cases as possible so you can consider what needs to be protected and what can be ignored safely.

Drop me a note if you have ideas and approaches that have worked (or NOT worked…)

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