Author: Stephen Wynkoop

Amazon AWS Azure Editorials

Handling Downtime and the Cloud

Yes, it happens.  Things happen, systems fail, someone trips over a cable (hopefully not so much these days in major data centers), etc.  What has struck me though is that your options for dealing with downtime when you’re hosting (and it doesn’t matter if it’s “stretch” services or hybrid or entirely cloud) in these types of services, are limited. If […]

Amazon AWS Azure Editorials

False Sense of Security from Vendor

There’s been an interesting trend lately in several different sales calls where you’re walking through the software capabilities, listing out the different goals you have for the project, etc.  The customer (be they internal or external) eventually gets around to infrastructure and how you’ve architected the solution. Now, if it’s on-premise, this leads to a lengthy discussion (why is it […]


Sometimes, You Have to Play Fireman

I’ve been working with several people as they re-architect their SQL Server systems to use their hybrid or cloud-first providers for their systems.  In each case of this example, they’re currently entirely on-premises with their systems and are moving to the other types of platforms. What’s odd, at least to me, is that one of the reasons for the move […]


Do Big Data-Type Projects Succeed More Often?

It used to be said that IT projects (and since SQL Server is my focus, SQL Server database projects by inference), would fail an astronomically large percentage of the time.  This was because, in most cases, of scope changing so frequently, particularly during development in a “waterfall” style project approach that had an extended calendar and fixed endpoints for functionality […]

Development Editorials Ethics

Legacy Systems are a Liability

In the past couple of years, it’s come up several times that legacy systems are a challenge to manage… no surprise there.  But what follows that conversation may be surprising – many times companies will take that first step, and decide that legacy systems are actually a liability.  That they’re something that should be removed, gutted, replaced if at all possible. […]