Author: SSWUG Research


SQL Server Benchmarks

According to a newly published, record-setting TPC-C result, Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 is the fastest database in the world, recording the highest performance ever for SQL Server 2000. With a performance rating of 505,302 tpmC and price/tpmC of $19.80, the 24-node Compaq ProLiant system running SQL


XSLT-process minor mode

This is the home site for Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT) -process minor mode (minor modes are optional features that can be turned on or off). XSLT-process allows an Emacs user to apply an XSLT style sheet to an XML source file and XSLT style sheet in a buffer, and display the resu


Time to Refactor XML?

by Leigh Dodds<br> A succession of new Working Drafts have appeared on the W3C Technical Reports page. The list includes requirements documents for XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0 and XML Query a data model and an algebraic description for XML Query, and a resurrection of the XML Fragment Interchange specifica