Author: SSWUG Research


Entities and XSLT

by Bob DuCharme In XML, entities are named units of storage. Their names are assigned and associated with storage units in a DTD's entity declarations. These units may be internal entities, whose contents are specified as a string in the entity declaration itself, or they may be external en


Saving HTML Form Data to XML

By Michael QuallsUsually form submissions in ASP are written to some sort of database management system. However, if you need your form submission data to be more portable, it can be written to an XML file. This is especially useful when the data you are gathering on your Web site will be sent t


Dynamic Cross-Tabs/Pivot Tables

IMHO, the best feature of MS Access is the TRANSFORM statement, used to create cross-tabs/pivot tables. It does all of the work of dynamically generating the cross-tabulation and the summary calculations. T-SQL unfortunately doesn't have this statement, so you're stuck using complicated SQL


Extensions to XSLT

by Leigh Dodds 2001 is certainly turning into an eventful year for the XML community. The new year began with the community-led development of RDDL (see Old Ghosts: XML Namespaces), and the past month has seen a lot of heated debate over the future directions of many core W3C specifications, in