Author: SSWUG Research


New Perl XML modules

Recently released Perl modules for processing XML include XML::XSLT::Wrapper and XML::SAXDriver::CSV. XML::XSLT::Wrapper provides a unified interface from Perl to a variety of XSLT processors. Release 0.32 brings speedups, passing of input either as a string or as a filename, and various


Numeric Primary Keys

From SQLTeam, Tim writes "The most obvious thing to do for records that have no unique column/s is to create an int identity column. For example, I have a 'address' table that should have a unique address_id for each record. Now, normally, I would configure a column address_id as 'in


What's New in SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2000 gives users an excellent streamlined database platform for large-scale online transactional processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and e-commerce applications. This paper provides brief overviews of the improvements made to SQL Server version 7.0. SQL Server 2000 offers users a fully i


The XML Handbook™, Third Edition

Author: Charles F. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod – The XML Handbook is the definitive entry point to XML for Web professionals — content developers, managers, and programmers — but you needn't be a programmer to read it. Although XML, like HTML, is derived from SGML (which was invented by one of t