Author: SSWUG Research


SQL Server 2000 Black Book

Book by Patrick Dalton, Paul Whitehead – A guide for intermediate to advanced database administrators and programmers, offering a behind-the-scences look at SQL Server 2000. The CD-ROM contains examples, source code, and other helpful material for use with the text. DLC: 166MHz+ processor, Microsoft


Information and Content Exchange

Information and Content Exchange (ICE) is an XML-based standard protocol for electronic business-to-business (B2B) asset management. ICE defines an architecture and a common language that can be used as a means of automating Web content syndication (information sharing and reuse between Web sites) f


The Naming of Parts

by John E. Simpson – I'm thinking, for example, of a rule like "an element name must begin with a letter (alphabet) and can be followed by alphanumeric characters." Are any special characters (like -, _, #, @, etc.) allowed in the name? Where can I find the specification that defines the


XML World 2001

Unquestionably the best XML event of the year 2000, XML World is coming to San Francisco for 2001. The one event that showcases all aspects of XML – and that gives a due emphasis to the business of XML – will be opening its doors at the San Francisco Marriott for the 17th through 20th of September,



SyncML is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) protocol under development as an open standard for the universal synchronization of data between devices, one of the most important building blocks in the development of third generation (3G)wireless. The SyncML Initiative was founded in February of 2000


Clustering SQL7 on Windows 2000

From SQL Team – Installing SQL Server on a cluster was much easier than I thought it would be. I hear it's even easier in SQL Server 2000. In it's current form a cluster is all about fault tolerance and doesn't have any load balancing. In essence you create a virtual server (or servers)