Author: SSWUG Research


Can XSLT Speed Up Table Displays?

by A. Russell Jones – Ever since Microsoft released Active Server Pages (ASP), people have been using it to display database data in HTML-formatted tables—and arguing about the most efficient method. Now that XSLT has joined the race, I wanted to know whether using XSLT could have any effect on effi


Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator

The Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator (MSV) is a Java[tm] technology tool to validate XML documents against several kinds of XML schemata. It supports RELAX NG, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, XML DTDs, and a subset of XML Schema Part 1. This download package includes binaries, sample source code, a


Analyze Disk Utilization

By Russ Whitney – Most users who know about analysis applications recognize the power and value of analysis but don't realize the breadth of situations to which analysis applications are applicable. Probably 80 percent of OLAP product demonstrations use sales data. The sample database that SQL S