The W3C's SVG Working Group have published two new drafts, explaining requirements for SVG 1.1/2.0 and for SVG on mobile devices.
Author: SSWUG Research
Sample chapter from Beginning SQL Programming
This introductory chapter covers topics that students usually ask in the first hour of classes; essentially, just what do we mean by SQL? We start by explaining what SQL is and also what it is not, and we provide a brief overview of the history of the language. We'll also clarify some confusing
A True .NET Server?
By Michael Otey – The Microsoft Servers Web site ( lists SQL Server 2000 as one of the company's new .NET Enterprise Servers. How can this be, considering that Microsoft developed and released this latest version of SQL Server before it launched its recent .NET c
XML Rules!
by Claude Duguay – XML provides a vehicle for representing virtually any kind of data collection. Organized structures can be thought of as languages that may be interpreted, such as a collection of business rules. We'll look at simple Java-based tools that help you get more mileage out of both
Using XLink to simplify the representation of data
By Kevin Williams – This column takes a look at how to use XLink pointers when representing data to make XML documents more compact and flexible. Sample code shows examples of an invoice with and without the XLink pointers, plus an example of using XLinks with a URL-addressable database.
Expat improves Windows support
Expat, the C-based XML parser originally created by James Clark, has had a new release, including build support for Windows.
Using Len() in a Select Statement
From SQL Team – Maya writes "My select statement returns a resultset with one field, 'ResultText'. I would like to get a length of that field. Is there a way in SQL to do it like in Visual Basic ?" Yes Maya, there are two ways of doing this.
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Reference Library
Author David Iseminger, Series Editor – MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2000 REFERENCE LIBRARY provides the ideal set of reference materials for SQL Server—direct from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Books Online. This well-conceived, intelligently indexed six-volume set sensibly organizes and condenses the vast sea
Bug Affects NT, W2K, SQL and Exchange
In a security bulletin which it dispatched to the subscribers of its Security mailing list, Microsoft acknowledged a problem with its remote procedure call (RPC) implementation that affects services running on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2
An introduction to XQuery
By Howard Katz – Howard Katz introduces the W3C's XQuery specification, currently winding its way toward Recommendation status after emerging from a long incubation period behind closed doors. The complex specification consists of six separate working drafts, with more to come. This article prov