See how the Microsoft .NET platform outperformed Sun on its blueprint application, the Java Pet Store, running 28 times faster than previously published J2EE benchmarks.
Author: SSWUG Research
XML: You'd think it couldn't get worse
There is an old saying about things having to get worse before they get better. And the news that yet more XML standards are being proposed is at least an indication that things are still getting worse.The first new standard is VCML and the second, which doesn't have a name yet, is to be
XML Schema browser (xsbrowser) is a Java applet that generates a human-readable model from a DTD or XML Schema enabling a user to visualize the data model of a document without requiring knowledge of DTD or XML Schema syntax.
Ipedo XML Database 2.0 Tackles XML Content Logjam
Responding to the growing importance of XML content in e-business applications, Ipedo(tm), Inc., a leading provider of software products that manage and deliver dynamic content over the Internet, released the latest version of the Ipedo XML Database(tm) featuring advanced capabilities to make it eas
Choosing the Right Backup in SQL Server
By Joe Lax – When I started using SQL Server in version 4.2, backups were relatively simple. There were only two possibilities: a full backup or a transaction log backup. Starting with SQL Server 7, additional choices have proliferated. You now have four ways to back up your database.
Tracking Down Event Clues – Tracing the server side of SQL Server 2000
By Kalen Delaney – The SQL Server Trace tool lets you keep track of all the operations that SQL Server performs. For SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft completely rewrote the Trace tool. Microsoft dubbed the new incarnation SQL Server Profiler. However, the SQL Server 7.0 documentation never made it complete
Watch the Latch
Latch is a low level locking mechanism provided by oracle. In this article we will look at the latch concept and how to tune the server to reduce latch contention. Check out it out here.
Check for Oracle availability and tablespace capacity
By Rick Stehno – Checking Oracle for availability requires more than just a ping or a ‘ps -ef | grep oracle’ command. I believe it requires a test accessing Oracle using SQL*Net to verify that the listener is also up and running — this would be the access that a user would normally use. By actually
Finding and Eliminating Duplicate Data
During my years as a database developer I have often faced the task of finding and deleting duplicate data in a database. Duplicates impact data accuracy and credibility, and they can also affect database performance if they’re too numerous compared to the total number of rows in the table. The solu
XML and Databases? Follow Your Nose
by Leigh Dodds – Following a recent XML-DEV discussion on how to choose the most appropriate database for your XML application, the XML-Deviant captures the indicators that will help bring you closer to a decision.