by Kendall Grant Clark – Perhaps, like journalists, the most socially beneficial thing the independent XML developer community can do is to be independent. In addition to the technology they build, independent developers serve a socially important function by telling the truth and exposing lies.<br>
Author: SSWUG Research
Creating Generic XSLT Transforms
By Kurt Cagle – Much of the focus of XSLT has been on its "stylesheet" capabilities — the ability to convert XML into some form of displayed HTML. However, XSLT is a functional language, one that takes an XML "state" and converts it into a different XML state — in essence, a form o
Introduction to Native XML Databases
by Kimbro Staken – The need to process and store XML has spawned several new types of software tool, one of which is the "native XML database." This article explains the principles behind such databases.
XML Import/Export for the Masses
Most data is still created and consumed by humans, and XML is no exception. Adoption of XML therefore depends largely on the availability of tools for reading, writing, and editing XML data.
XML Infoset becomes W3C Recommendation
The W3C has published XML Information Set as a recommendation, providing "a set of definitions for use in other specifications that need to refer to the information in an XML document."
HR-XML Consortium Approves New Standards for Human Resources E-commerce
A posting from Chuck Allen (Director, HR-XML Consortium, Inc.) announces the publication of six (6) new approved specifications from the HR-XML Consortium. The 128-member HR-XML Consortium held its quarterly meeting on October 15-16, 2001 at London's Copthorne Tara Hotel, ratifying the new draft
Microsoft debuts tools, Web services specs
By Wylie Wong and Mike Ricciuti – Microsoft on Tuesday took a stab at bolstering the Web-based tools and specifications needed to make Web services built using its .Net tools more secure, and more attractive to businesses. Microsoft also announced several new tools and distributed near-final
Aerospace group backs new EDI-to-XML bridge
By MICHAEL MEEHAN – As technical standards bodies attempt to harmonize data-sharing specifications in the Balkanized world of XML, an aerospace industry group is adopting a new approach that converts existing electronic data interchange (EDI) data formats and definitions into XML.
Restoring Your Database Safely
By Joe Lax – As I’ve shown in my previous 10-Minute Solution, “Choosing the Right Backup in SQL Server,” SQL Server provides you with numerous ways to back up your database, allowing you to choose the options that best suit your situation. However, the best backup solution comes to naught if you don
SQL Server Locks – Introduction
by Michael Balloni – Relational databases like Microsoft’s SQL Server use locks to prevent multiple users from making conflicting modifications to a set of data: when a set of data is locked by a user, no other users can modify that same set of data until the first user finishes modifying the data a