By John Taschek – Oracle is banking that release 2 of its 9i application server will erode the market share of its competitors. Oracle previously touted support of standards and performance as 9iAS’ main advantage over competitive offerings from BEA and IBM. Now, Oracle is focusing on caching
Author: SSWUG Research
Simulate a thru_date for point-in-time queries
By Richard Stucke – With ROWNUM, you can simulate a thru_date, which can then be used for ranking reports or point-in-time queries. For example, here is the table data I have to work with: (R)
Oracle9i Application Server Portal Handbook
By Steve Vandivier & Kelly Cox – The following excerpt is from Chapter 8 of this publication. Developing Enterprise ReportsEvery organization needs reports in some form. The traditional business report is typically a static paper document that captures data at a point in time. We neve
SQL Server 2000 and XML: Developing XML-Enabled Data Solutions for the Web
By Scott Howlett and Darryl Jennings – Using XML for data access allows you to separate the data from the presentation, and promotes reuse, extensibility, and division of labor. XML also has a simplified data model, which promotes easier testing. This article presents and compares five data a
Covisint's XML Flavor
by Tom Kaneshige – E-market automotive giant Covisint unveiled earlier this week its technology-standards strategy. Not surprisingly, the company plans to implement the ebXML message transport layer and use the Open Applications Group's OAGIS standards for XML document payload.
SVG drafts push forward
The W3C has released new Working Drafts of Mobile SVG Profiles: SVG Tiny and SVG Basic and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Version 1.1.
Early online upgrade for Oracle SMB
Oracle and Netledger are showing how dynamic software as a service can be by releasing an upgrade to Oracle Small Business Suite (SMB) 7.0 just six weeks after it was launched.
9i versus DB2: It’s about time
By Ed Parry – Oracle says it all the time. Now an independent study is saying it: DBAs who use Oracle’s 9i database spend less time bogged down in busy work than their peers who use IBM’s DB2.
Java Grows Up
By Steve Lipson – Oracle’s support of Java is as old as the language itself. Now, Oracle9iAS offers a completely reworked J2ee environment.
New RDF/XML Syntax Specification, DAML+OIL note
The re-energized RDFCore working group continued its brisk work updating the various RDF specifications. They have released an update of the RDF/XML Syntax Specification working draft. The RDF/XML syntax is still being specified separately from the fundamental data model, a move which many in the RD