Author: Ben Taylor


Data Import Tips

Have you ever wanted to import a lot of data into your SQL Server database quickly? Sometimes you have a lot of data, and your system spends a lot of time allocating disk space for new data, or maintaining a transaction log for the work being done. So, here are some options available to you when bringing in a lot […]


Query Optimization

When it comes to database performance optimization, index management is high on the list if issues you need to address. In fact, I think this is only second to an efficient database design. Sure, there are other factors that make significant impact for a database performance. But, if these two are off, you can throw a lot of money at […]



I don’t know if Adam Mechanic coined the acronym “POC”. However, I recently heard Itzik Ben-Gan attribute it to him, regarding an indexing technique designed to optimize queries. In the examples presented, and also in the above mentioned authors E-book, T-SQL Querying, the index is being applied to Windowing functions introduced in SQL Server 2012. Partition Order Coverage The partitioning […]


Essential Record Keeping

I’ve been writing computer software since 1983, and charging for my services since 1985. That’s 30+ years. To be fair, it was only fill time for 25 of those years…but I was always writing code. Recently, I sat down to create a list of all the projects I worked on as a sole contributor, or part of a team. After […]


Keep it Clean

I’m surprised about what things prompt me for topics when I write an editorial. Today, my motivation is based on the hard work being done for data cleanup for one of my projects. Many applications have the ability for users to enter text for an attribute in a free form style. They may enter anything they wish without concern of […]


The Connectedness of Things

If you are paying attention, it is being said that we are experiencing a new revolution, based on technology, and the connectedness of things. Smart devices are being released at a higher pace than ever before. I am able to monitor my appliances in my home, and even manage them from my smart phone, and so much more. That’s not […]



Instrumentation is a core component of a mature software product. It is essential for creating a new robust product. It is essential for managing a product used in production. It is essential for determining priorities for future improvements in a software product. So, what is Instrumentation? For those of us using Microsoft SQL Server, we have likely experienced first hand […]


A Boost For Your SQL Server

Reading up on some of the new features found in SQL Server 2016 I came across a couple tips for optimizing earlier version. These performance options are implemented by setting trace flags at the startup of your SQL Server instance. They refer to T1117 for TempDb and T1118 for user databases. T1118 is a trace flag that, when turned on, […]


JSON: It’s Not Just Data

JSON, an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation, has often been compared to XML as a leaner form for serializing objects into data, where the contents may be understood by humans without de-serialization. It is very popular for passing objects over HTTP, as found in REST services, and is used elsewhere as a data transfer technique. However, JSON, unlike XML, also […]