Author: Ben Taylor


Scheduling Database Maintenance for the Non-DBA

If you aren’t an SQL Server guru, you are not restricted to the out of the box implementation for maintaining your database. There are certain features that make sense to do periodically instead of maintaining it real time. For example, as we talked about a couple days ago, you can configure your database to automatically maintain statistics. If you have […]


User Defined Data Types

Have you ever created custom data types in SQL Server? A user defined data type is a data type you define based on an existing standard data type already included in SQL Server. User defined data types are created in a single database, and are not understood by other databases. The data must be converted back to the original SQL […]


Move Lots of Data Fast

SQL Server ships with a number of methods for importing and exporting data to and from SQL Server in bulk. The concept, as you probably know is called Bulk Copy. Bulk Copy ADO implementation Bulk_Insert TSQL command Bulk Copy Executable Utility The Bulk Copy implantation in ADO works nicely when you have data you want to import from a Dot […]


Regular Database Maintenance

Tuning a database for performance is a never ending task. For SQL Server, you can use automated maintenance implementations, which are usually the default. If the database is configured, it will automatically create statistics when the query optimizer determines a statistic would be useful to determine the best query plan. It will also automatically update statistics whenever data is modified […]


Compound Indexes vs. Many Single Column Indexes

One reader responds to yesterday’s editorial on using multiple indexes to solve a single query with a question. Michael asks, “Are you saying it ultimately better to have multiple single column indexes than to have multiple column indexes?” When a query uses multiple indexes to support a query it can be helpful. However, it will not perform as well as […]


Filtered Indexes

Today I want to return to a topic I tend to cover annually, because we are always getting new readers, often new to database techniques. The topic is indexing. In fact, I want to talk about a specific method of indexing found in SQL Server, where the index has a where clause, known as a filtered index. A filtered index […]


Using ANSI Standard SQL Syntax

As I read the guidance of many database professionals one concept appears to be frequently espoused. When writing SQL, avoid using engine specific syntax. Use ANSI standard syntax whenever possible, as supported by your database vendor. The reasoning is this: If you use ANSI standard syntax, you can more easily host your application on a database from a different, compliant […]


A One Tool Shop

Recently I was reminded of the saying, “If the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, then all of your problems start to look like a nail.” I’m sure we can apply this maxim to many areas of our lives. I’m, of course, going to relate it to information systems, because that is what I do. Let’s start out […]


Signs Your Database Needs Normalization – SQL Syntax

Today we complete the series of symptoms one experiences when their database is not properly normalized. We’re going to look at the very syntax of queries needed that are optimized when data is normalized accordingly. Again, let me emphasize that these indications are to be used has hints that a different database schema may be more appropriate, not that the […]