Author: Ben Taylor


SQL is Number One

Do you wonder if you are working on developing skills need to keep you working in the future? Based on the latest review of job postings by, if SQL is one of your skills, you have chosen the most demanded skill of the top 9 for 2017.   There are a few reasons SQL is in such high demand. […]


Get In Sequence

oday I wanted to deomonstrate some cool things you can do with a Sequence (or sometimes called Tally) table. I put them in just about every database I create. A tally table simply has one numeric column with a sequence of numbers, say 1 to 1000. Then you can use that table to manipulate other objects in a sql query […]


Encrypting In An Image

Encryption is one of the hardest things to do in a way that can’t be decrypted by a hacker. So, if you can do one way encryption, that’s a real plus. But, when you need to have something you can decrypt, the problem is more difficult. I wrote about this quite a bit a few weeks back. Today I wanted […]


Are You Human?

Does your public facing web site validate that a connected client is a person and not an automated bot? Usually you see a web site confirming that the connection on the other end is a user when there are credentials being provided, such as setting a password, or creating a user profile. One of the things I have found interesting […]


When EF Out of the Box Isn’t Good Enough

Dynamic SQL using Entity Framework is a really cool capability. You can use dynamic SQL for any number of reasons. I have used it for custom filters, custom ordering, and other SQL features when you are able to work in Pure SQL while still having the benefit of SQL Injection protection through the user of execution parameters. There are other […]


Thoughts on Entity Framework (EF)

I’ve been using Entity Framework for a few years now. Having some production applications based on EF I have found some of the following guidelines to make it work for me. EF is fine for Many to Many relationships. In doing so, you create your data models with having virtual collections of the other object. Then when you map the […]


Real World SQL Proxies

Today I wanted to share an implementation of a proxy pattern for SQL databases. This story comes from a dot net implementation from a very large scale, with multiple web services all hitting the database server concurrently. The problem is that when enough services are operating, especially when they are clustered or use load balancing technology, the SQL database server […]


Using the Proxy Pattern

Recently I have been enjoying the use of a proxy pattern. A proxy is a software object acting in place of another software object. For example, I was developing a software system for which the SQL database did not yet exist. So I wrote a simple provider that would perform my crud operations, and save them to a disk file. […]


Personal IOT

Any reader of Science Fiction, especially space science fiction, knows that a lot of things that were dreams and ideas in books have become reality today, or there are active projects working to make it so. Our robotics technology is bringing us closer much faster for things like automated vehicles, service, warfare, and much more. There is really a plan […]


Why Put Unstructured Data in SQL?

There have been a lot of comments regarding the reason behind storing undefined data in your SQL Server in the first place. I think those are exceptional, reasonable questions you should ask yourself for any data you take the time to store. Let me start out by saying that there should be rare cases of unknown or evolving data in […]