SQL Server

Troubleshooting problems with SQL Server 2014 Profiler

Troubleshooting problems with SQL Server 2014 Profiler

If you have problems with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Profiler, review this troubleshooting
checklist to find potential solutions.
Note. Microsoft announcing the deprecation of SQL Server Profiler for Database Engine
Trace Capture and Trace Replay, but SQL Server Profiler for the Analysis Services workloads
is not being deprecated, and will continue to be supported.

1. Install the latest SQL Server 2014 service pack.

Because many SQL Server 2014 Profiler bugs were fixed in SQL Server service packs, you
should install the latest SQL Server service pack.
At the time this article was written the latest SQL Server 2014 service pack was service
pack 1. You can download the SQL Server 2014 service pack 1 at here:

2. If you need to use SQL Server 2014 Profiler, check that you have the
ALTER TRACE permission.

To run SQL Server 2014 Profiler, the user also must have the same user permissions as
the Transact-SQL stored procedures that are used to create traces.

3. SQL Server 2014 Profiler stops responding when the hard disk to which the
output is being saved is out of space.

To work around this problem, you should free some space on the hard disk, or you can save the
output to another disk with sufficient free space.

4. When many SQL Server 2014 Profiler traces are started and then stopped,
lots of messages that have message ID 19030 and 19031 are logged in the
SQL Server 2014 errorlog file.

To work around this problem, avoid start and stop many SQL Server 2014 Profiler traces very
often. To resolve this problem, install the latest SQL Server service pack.

5. SQL Server 2014 Profiler may stop the instance of SQL Server 2014 Analysis
Services, when the value of the AdminTimeout property for the instance is
not 0 and the value of the ServerTimeout property is larger than 0.

This problem occurs because SQL Server 2014 Profiler uses a time-out value that is the same
as the value of the ServerTimeout property. To work around this problem, set the value of the
AdminTimeout and ServerTimeout back to 0. The default value for these properties is zero (0),
which indicates there is no timeout.

6. The error 8114 occurs when you start a trace to capture the RPC:Starting and
RPC:Completed events and then analyze a trace file.

This is the error message text: “Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure MyProc, Line 0.
Error converting data type varchar to datetime.” This problem occurs because the trace uses
an incorrect text value for the DateTime parameter. To work around this problem, you can use
the DateTime2 data type for the parameter. To resolve this problem, install the latest
SQL Server service pack.

7. When you use SQL Server Profiler to trace a remote procedure call (RPC) event
class in SQL Server 2014, an access violation may occur.

This problem occurs with the following RPC events: RPC Output Parameter, RPC:Completed,
RPC:Starting. This bug was first fixed in Cumulative Update package 1 for SQL Server 2014.
You can download the Cumulative Update package 1 for SQL Server 2014 at here:

8. The error occurs when you use SQL Server 2014 SQL Profiler to connect to an
instance of SQL Server 2005.

This is the error message text: “SQL Server Profiler cannot perform this action on database
servers earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please use SQL Server 2005 or later.” This bug was
first fixed in Cumulative Update package 7 for SQL Server 2014. You can download the
Cumulative Update package 7 for SQL Server 2014 at here:

9. Run SQL Server 2014 Profiler during periods of low database access.

Because SQL Server Profiler may put a large load on SQL Server, try to run it during CPU idle
time and slow production periods.