
Kim Tripp, Paul Randal from SQLSkills on SelectViews Today

Just Posted: SelectViews 86
This show is an interview with Kim Tripp and Paul Randal. We got together at DevConnections in Las Vegas and talked about everything from the famous board game to SQL Server 2008.

> Watch Here

Featured Article(s)
Initiating the Installer Wizard for Failover cluster Setup
In this article Vanitha Vaidialingam shows you how to use the Installer Wizard to install Failover clusters in SQL Server 2005. The article guides the reader through the step by step process explaining the significance of each step.

Working With XML Doesn’t Have To Be Cryptic!
Altova has been hard at work and has just released 2008 versions of MapForce and XMLSpy. If you’re working with XML, you need to see these. They make working with XML and SQL Server (and other major databases) a snap. It’ll even help you in modeling, editing, debugging and so much more as you work with XML. You can get a look at all of the new features here. If you work with XML-related files and data, you need to take a look. It makes is *so* much easier to have meaningful, easy to use tools when you’re working with the data and technologies. Check it out here.

Initial Results
Initial results are coming in on the poll on the platforms of choice. Of course heavily slanted toward SQL Server, but not as much so as you may believe. Take a look*:

MySQL – 6%
Oracle – 18%
SQL Server – 70%
Other – 7%

*allowing for rounding.

"Other" is largely DB2 at this point. Some other things thrown in there, but mostly DB2. I’ve had some interesting comments too from the different posts. I’ll include some of those next week. If you’d like to "vote" in our highly UNscientific poll, here are the quick links:

SQL Server Oracle MySQL Something Else

Remember, this is in a perfect world – assume EVERYTHING else (salary, responsibilities, etc.) remains the same – which do you pick?

Feel free to add comments, but it’s not required.

Troubleshooting and Maintaining SQL Server 2005
Find out about how to dig into your system and pull information you need to know to understand what’s happening. We’ll look into performance monitor counters to keep track of, where logs are that you should be aware of and more. The goal of this session is to have you feeling comfortable with performance profiling and investigation approaches for your system.

> Register Now
> Nov 20 2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
Improving reliability and efficiency of the Database Change Management
Any Database Administrator or developer that has had to or deals with database schema changes realizes that establishing and … (read more)

Easing the Migration to Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Many companies are eager to take advantage of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and its notable business and technology benefits such… (read more)

The Shortcut Guide to SQL Server Infrastructure Optimization
In The Shortcut Guide to SQL Server Infrastructure Optimization, the new eBook from Realtime Publishers, leading IT author Do… (read more)

Anatomy of an Archiving Project – Seven Basic Principles for Managing Your Enterprise Data
According to a January 2006 study conducted by the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), database archiving has helped companies m… (read more)